Your financial support of the ministry is needed and appreciated! Use the button below to pay your tithe, give an offering, or sow a seed.
After 6 years, we're finally moving into a new home! We've found a new building and will be holding our first service there on Easter Sunday. Join us!
The effort to rebuild and relaunch remains underway! Click the button below to learn how you can help.

God set the ultimate example for giving, by sacrificing His very own Son (Eph. 5:2). Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord, and so the resources He has blessed believers with ultimately belong to Him. Whether it is from our giftedness in finances, materials, service, or time - it is a believer’s responsibility to be good stewards and give back to the Lord what is His by giving to the church and others.
Even when the stock market's down, you can make an investment that pays dividends for a lifetime and beyond. Only two things will last forever: People and The Church. By investing in the life-changing message of the church, you can leverage your money for eternity.
(I Timothy 6:7)
"I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you." Leviticus 26:9 (NIV)
God has promised to reward us for our obedience in taking care of his commands and what belongs to him. Join us today as a Covenant Ministry Partner, by pledging a gift of at least $100 monthly.
You will receive our Covenant Ministry Card, our Monthly Newsletter, and you will receive special invitations to exclusive Annual Covenant Partners events. You can also support the ministry with your love offerings. Giving is easy! Just click the button below.